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  • What is Python?
    • Some general facts about Python
    • Programming 101
    • Selected packages for scientific computation:
      NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, SymPy, FEniCS/DOLFIN

What is Python?

  • free software
  • universal programming language
  • many packages existing
  • easily extendable

Python is (line many script languages) very intuitive.

  • no explicit type specifications (duck typing)
  • code blocks must be indented (leads to improved readability)
  • Very high-quality code.
    0.005 defects per thousand lines of code:
    "The open-source Python programming language [...] now surpasses that of its open-source and proprietary peers, according to a study published by development testing vendor Coverity." -- Sean M. Kerner,

The Python language: Popularity


10 Reasons Python Rocks for Research

  • Holistic Language Design
    "Doing mathematical programming in a general-purpose language is easier than doing general-purpose programming in a mathematical language."
  • Readability
  • Balance of High Level and Low Level Programming
  • Language Interoperability
  • Documentation System
  • Hierarchical Module System
  • Data Structures
  • Available Libraries
  • Testing Framework
  • Large user base
Possible downsides?
  • Not as popular as, e.g., MATLAB(r)
  • ...

The language: "Hello world."

print('Hello world!')
a = 42                           # integer
b = 42 / 21 + 10                 # = 12
my_list = [1, 3, 'Hello World!'] # list: all types permitted!
print(my_list[0])                # 0-based indexing
for i in range(4):               # i in 0,...,3
for elem in my_list:
d = { 'Hallo': 'hello',       # dictionary ("map")
      'Welt': 'world',
      42: 'fourty-two'}
print(d['Hallo'])             # -> hello
tuple = (4,3,1)
if tuple == (4,):             # easy to compare!

The language: functions, modules

def square(a):       # functions can be defined anywhere
    return a*a       # with arbitrary names (like variables)

def arnoldi(A, v, maxiter=10, ortho='mgs'):  # default arguments
    # compute V, H
    return V, H      # multiple return arguments
import mymodule      # import is possible anywhere in the code
print( mymodule.square(3) )
from mymodule import square, arnoldi
print( square(3) )
V, H = arnoldi(A, v, ortho='house') # maxiter is set to default (10)

Packages (modules, add-ons,...)


Packages: NumPy

NumPy is the basis package for numerics (based on BLAS, LAPACK, etc.).

from numpy import array, ones, dot   # N-dim Arrays
v = array([1,2,3])           # 1-dim arr, shape==(3,)
v = ones(5)                  # 1-dim arr, shape==(5,)
v = ones((5,1))              # 2-dim arr, shape==(5,1)
A = array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) # 2x3-matrix: 2-dim arr, shape==(2,3)
A = ones((5,5))              # 5x5-matrix: 2-dim arr, shape==(5,5)
b = dot(A, v)                # A*v

The default data type in NumPy are NumPy arrays; there are also NumPy matrices. The main difference is that one can use the *-operator for matrix-matrix multiplication (as in MATLAB). Many (especially the NumPy community) recommend NumPy arrays.

Packages: NumPy (cont'd)

Well-known commands in NumPy:

  • zeros, ones, diag, abs, linspace, ...
  • module random: rand, randn, ...
  • module linalg: solve, norm, eig, svd, lu, qr, cholesky, ...
  • module polynomial: monomial, Chebyshev, Legendre, ...

MATLAB's \-operator: solve(A,b).

For more info, see NumPy documentation.

Packages: SciPy

Packages: SciPy (cont'd)

Interesting for us:

  • scipy.linalg: extended functionality: banded matrices, qz, matrix functions, ...
  • scipy.sparse: several sparse matrix types, cg, gmres, eigs, ...
  • scipy.optimize: simplex, newton, leastsq, ...

For more info, see SciPy documentation.

Packages: matplotlib

Packages: matplotlib (cont'd)

from matplotlib import pyplot as pp

data = [x**2 for x in range(100)] # list comprehension!

LaTeX-integration via matplotlib2tikz.

Packages: SymPy

Symbolic calculations in Python.
import sympy as smp

x, y = smp.symbols('x, y')

f = x**2 + sin(x) * y
diff(f, x)

diff(f, x, 2)
full-featured computer algebra system
  • differentiation
  • integration
  • ...

Packages: IPython

IPython provides a rich architecture for interactive computing with:
  • Powerful interactive shells (terminal and Qt-based).
  • A browser-based notebook with support for code, text, mathematical expressions, inline plots and other rich media.
  • Support for interactive data visualization and use of GUI toolkits.
  • Flexible, embeddable interpreters to load into your own projects.
  • Easy to use, high-performance tools for parallel computing.

Packages: Miscellaneous

  • krypy (by André Gaul, TU Berlin) - Krylov subspace methods & tools
  • pyamg - algebraic multigrid
  • ...

Numerical PDE solving with


Solving PDEs with FEM

\[ -\Delta u = f \] \[ -\int_{\Omega} (\Delta u) v = \int_{\Omega} f v \] \[ \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v - \int_{\partial\Omega} (\n\cdot\nabla u) v= \int_{\Omega} f v \] With \(v\in V^{(h)}\) (test functions), \(u = \sum_j \alpha_j u_j\), \(u_j\in U^{(h)}\) (trial functions), one gets an equation system for \(\alpha_i\): \[ \sum_j \alpha_j \int_{\Omega} \nabla u_j \cdot \nabla v_i - \int_{\partial\Omega} (\n\cdot\nabla u_j) v_i= \int_{\Omega} f v_i \quad \forall v_i\in V^{(h)}. \]

Solving PDEs with FEM

\[ \sum_j \alpha_j \int_{\Omega} \nabla u_j \cdot \nabla v_i - \int_{\partial\Omega} (\n\cdot\nabla u_j) v_i= \int_{\Omega} f v_i \quad \forall v_i\in V^{(h)}. \] Description
Always stay as high-level as possible.
Bjarne Stroustrup
Designer of C++

Common misconceptions (234): Do it yourself


Writing your own FEM application

Compute local stiffness matrix:

J = [ X(NODES(2),1)-X(NODES(1),1) , X(NODES(3),1)-X(NODES(1),1)  ;
      X(NODES(2),2)-X(NODES(1),2) , X(NODES(3),2)-X(NODES(1),2)  ];
AbsDetJ = abs( J(1,1)*J(2,2) - J(1,2)*J(2,1) ) ;
L = (eps/(2*AbsDetJ)) * [ J(1,2)^2 + J(2,2)^2  , - J(1,1)*J(1,2) - J(2,1)*J(2,2)  ;
                                     0         ,   J(1,1)^2 + J(2,1)^2       ];
A = z3A(1,1) =   L(1,1) + 2*L(1,2) + L(2,2) + AbsDetJ/12 ;
A(1,2) = - L(1,1) - L(1,2)            + AbsDetJ/24 ;
A(1,3) = - L(1,2) - L(2,2)            + AbsDetJ/24 ;

A(2,1) = - L(1,1) - L(1,2)            + AbsDetJ/24 ;
A(2,2) =   L(1,1)                     + AbsDetJ/12 ;
A(2,3) =   L(1,2)                     + AbsDetJ/24 ;

A(3,1) = - L(1,2) - L(2,2)            + AbsDetJ/24 ;
A(3,2) =   L(1,2)                     + AbsDetJ/12 ;
A(3,3) =   L(2,2)                     + AbsDetJ/12 ;

Writing your own FEM application (cont'd)

Insert into global matrix according to Element Connectivity Table:

for r=1:size(ECT,1)
  localStiffnessMatrix = local_assemble(ECT(r,:),X,eps);
  for alpha=1:3
     i = ECT(r,alpha);
     for beta= 1:3
        j = ECT(r,beta);
        K(i,j) = K(i,j) + localStiffnessMatrix(alpha,beta);

Still missing:
  • Quadrature of RHS
  • boundary conditions
  • ...

Do it yourself: Reality



Required: Weak formulation \[ \sum_j \alpha_j \left(\int_{\Omega} \nabla u_j \cdot \nabla v_i - \int_{\partial\Omega} (\n\cdot\nabla u_j) v_i\right)= \int_{\Omega} f v_i \quad \forall v_i\in V^{(h)}. \] Then

from dolfin import *

# Create mesh and define function space
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(20, 20)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)

# Define boundary conditions
u0 = Expression('1 + x[0]*x[0] + 2*x[1]*x[1]')
def u0_boundary(x, on_boundary):
    return on_boundary
bc = DirichletBC(V, u0, u0_boundary)

FEniCS (cont'd)

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
f = Constant(-6.0)
a = inner(nabla_grad(u), nabla_grad(v))*dx
L = f*v*dx

# Compute solution
u = Function(V)
solve(a == L, u, bc)

# Plot solution and mesh

# Dump solution to file in VTK format
file = File('poisson.pvd')
file << u

# Hold plot


Controlling the solution process

"Make the easy things easy and hard things possible."

prm = parameters['krylov_solver'] # short form
prm['absolute_tolerance'] = 0.0
prm['relative_tolerance'] = 1E-13
prm['maximum_iterations'] = 10000
prm['monitor_convergence'] = True
solve(a == L, u, [bc0, bc1],
      solver_parameters={'linear_solver': 'cg',
                         'preconditioner': 'ilu'}

Accessing matrix, rhs

Choose the uBLAS backend:

    from dolfin import *
    parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'
    a = inner(nabla_grad(u), nabla_grad(v))*dx
    L = f*v*dx + g*v*ds

    A = assemble(a, bcs=[bc0,bc1])
    b = assemble(L, bcs=[bc0,bc1])


$ python
(array([    0,     3,     8, ..., 11433, 11438, 11441]), array([   0,    1,    2, ..., 1678, 1679, 1680]), array([ 1. , -0.5, -0.5, ...,  0. ,  0. ,  1. ]))
[ 0.00114583  0.0065625   0.         ...,  0.          1.          1.        ]

Using a mesh

Typical PDE workflow: Description
  • Build your mesh: Gmsh, tetgen, CUBIT, ... (formats: VTK, Exodus,...)
  • Feed the mesh into the solver.

For your convenience, FEniCS contains simple mesh generators.

UnitSquare(4, 4)
UnitCube(4, 4, 4)
Rectangle(a, 0, b, 1, nr, nt, 'crossed')

image source:

Using a mesh (cont'd)

Convert any mesh into Dolfin's format:

    $ dolfin-convert mymesh.msh mymesh.xml
    dolfin-convert mymesh.msh mymesh.xml
    Converting from Gmsh format (.msh, .gmsh) to DOLFIN XML format
    Expecting 2001 vertices
    Found all vertices
    Expecting 10469 cells
    Found all cells
    Conversion done

    $ ls mymesh*.xml
    mymesh_physical_region.xml  mymesh.xml

Then: Run Dolfin with those XML meshes.

More problems: Time dependence

Your on your own for time-stepping.
E.g., backward Euler: \[ \frac{u^{k} - u^{k-1}}{\delta t} = \Delta u^{k} + f \] \[ (I-\delta t \Delta) u^{k} = u^{k-1} + (\delta t) f \] Build weak form, put into FEniCS:

    a = u*v*dx + dt*inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx
    L = y_1*v*dx + dt*f*v*dx
    while t < T:
        solve(a == L, y)
        t += dt

Thank you!
